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The Villalobos/Pirrie family believes that every person with Down syndrome (Ds) deserves a future filled with limitless possibilities and the opportunity for greater independence. That is why we are inviting you to join us with a donation to LuMind Research Down Syndrome Foundation and their goal to meaningfully improve health and independence in individuals with Ds through cutting-edge science.

Between now and March 21st, LuMind RDS can QUADRUPLE your gift between March 1 - 21 with a 3:1 matching gift from our generous founder! 


3:1 Match March 1 - 21
$25 becomes $100, $100 expands to $400, and $1000 grows to $4000


Give a gift of stocks! Transfer to receive a tax deduction for the sale value! Follow the steps below. 


Remember to make your gift go further through your company's matching gift program. 

Your donation today helps Down syndrome research get 4X closer to preventing Alzheimer's onset, improving cognition, developing gene therapies, and advancing understanding. We have defined a path to therapies to improve health and independence in children and adults with Down syndrome. You are helping us get there.

With help from fundraisers like these, LuMind RDS has been made progress recently with these three new initiatives.

  • In December, we launched the first Down Syndrome Clinical Trial Consortium Planning effort to define an enrollment network led by expert clinicians for individuals with Down syndrome, initially focused on promising Alzheimer's clinical trials.
  • In February, we launched a new comprehensive online community focused on medical care and research that combines the simplicity of Facebook with the power of big data to connect families and caregivers of children and adults with Ds with each other, Ds research experts, resources and clinical trials!
  • Also in February, we convened a Key Opinion Leaders meeting with global experts on chromosome silencing to explore how the recent breakthroughs and discoveries could impact gene therapies for Down syndrome.

Jack- Jackapalooza 
With your support, we can continue to make meaningfully improve health and independence in individuals with Down syndrome by preventing Alzheimer's onset, improving cognition, developing gene therapies, and advancing understanding. Please consider making a donation below.


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